You can relax.
You use quality C-TON parts.

C-Ton Industries is a subsidiary of KNS Instruments Inc, a market leader in manufacturing high-quality digital panel meters and power supplies. The company also markets temperature and humidity controls and other products for the HVAC Industry. We are dedicated to providing quality products and giving value to both our distributor, as well as you, the end user.

The DK part numbers and the C-Ton brand name can be purchased through Digikey ( or here on this website.
This website of C-Ton Industries is dedicated to providing support for the customers that use C-Ton products, both offering information about our products as well as wiring diagrams and literature.
Thank you for visiting our website. We want to be of service to you in any way we can!
C-Ton is a subsidiary of KNS Instruments Inc. KNS manufactures electronics for C-Ton and many other companies. From concept to finished product:
~ design
~ component sourcing
~ testing
Whether you are looking for digital panel meters (DPMs) and power supplies or component sourcing and low cost turn-key manufacturing, KNS Instruments Inc is the manufacturer!
Data and wiring diagrams are found on individual part number pages. Click the link you are interested in at left and find links in the drop down menu of the product's page.
Look for our quality C-TON products at Digi-Key.
Keyword: c-ton or enter part number